Store Your Stem Cells

You have heard of stem cells in the past. They were controversial because the original sources were aborted fetuses or later umbilical cord blood. Scientists have taught us that one of the best sources of these miraculous cells is adult fat!!! Recently, stem cells were used to hasten healing of Kobe Bryant’s broken ankle. You no longer have to be a celebrity to benefit from these advanced modalities of treatment. Many other athletes have also used these cells in treating injuries.  store stem cells

In the lay and surgical press are accounts of Actress Suzanne Somers and her doctor Dr. Yoshimura’s protocol utilizing autologous adipose-derived stem cells in combination with liposuction techniques to do breast reconstruction after breast cancer surgery.

We can facilitate harvesting and storage of adult stem cells from your own fat for use in future age reversal, and disease treatments. These cells have nothing to do with embryonic cells often confused by the media. These regenerative cells (so called adipose derived) can be used to treat disease or injury of multiple organs. We also use stem cell rich fat in our fat transfers to breast and butt during liposuction procedures.

The viability of the stem cells in fat, using our method of harvesting, has recently been confirmed in a validation study by Vault Stem Cell Corp. When stem cells are isolated and then transplanted either with or without fat into parts of the body, studies have shown that they grow and survive in these new areas by helping to form new tissue at the transplanted site. Stem Cell-Enhanced Breast Augmentation uses your own autologous fat tissue (adipose) that is a rich source of stem and progenitor cells.

We use tumescent liposuction to gently harvest the fat. The fat is then processed by hand to extract the stem cell rich fat used for transfer. By using the regenerative properties of stem cells either alone or along with transplanted fat, a marked improvement of survival of these tissues occurs. The percentage of fat cells surviving is greatly enhanced when we are mindful of these concepts while harvesting. We have extensive experience with fat transfers to the buttocks and breasts. Efforts are in progress to facilitate expansion of our services to include fat transfers to the face and other parts of the body.

Examples of conditions which are already being treated, or potentially expected to be treated in the foreseeable future include:

  • Hair restoration
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Degenerative eye disease
  • HIV and other immune system disorders
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Orthopedic injuries
  • ALS
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Alcoholic hepatitis
  • Tooth loss


And others….

Question: Aren’t stem cells controversial?

Answer: No. These stem cells are not the controversial embryonic stem cells, fetal stem cells, or someone else’s cells (allogenic) stem cells. Everything is derived from your own fat.

Many Doctors even prominent Plastic Surgeons are unaware of the new and improved techniques, still advise patients against this procedure.

The common myths you will hear from doctors who have not followed these recent changes are.

Myth: Most of the fat doesn’t survive so more than one surgery is needed.

Truth: New techniques have proven an 85-90% fat survival. The fat transferred is permanent and behaves like normal breast or buttock tissue after transfer. Indeed, some patients do choose to have more fat transferred later. It is perfectly reasonable to do multiple small transfers until the desired result is achieved. But often the result after one procedure produces the desired result.

The alternative for breast augmentation- implants need to be replaced every 10 years and problems such as scarring and rupture are common.

Myth: Calcifications caused by the surgery can interfere with mammograms

Truth: Studies have proven that newer digital mammograms can easily evaluate calcifications in the breast, whereas the alternative breast implant procedures, block more than ½ of the breast from the view of mammograms. Well trained radiologists can interpret abnormal findings after fat transfer without excessive difficulty.

Schedule a consultation today to discuss storing your own fat derived stem cells for possible future use.  We’ve partnered with

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